Life, sickness, and ice cream

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about living my life to the fullest. We are here for such a short amount of time, it’s a shame not to make the most of life.

We’ve had a string of really beautiful days in Seattle recently. 90+* days, glorious sunshine, amazing nights. Perfect get out and do something kind of weather. The outdoors calls my name on gorgeous days.
So what was I doing on Saturday morning/early afternoon?
I was inside, lamenting the fact that The Explorer was in Oakridge with his Mom. I wanted to go on a hike and I wanted my hiking buddies. It was pathetic – I had a Seattle hiking guide out in front of me, a gorgeous day waiting for me, and I was in my dark room basically refusing to do something on my own. Around 1:30 I thought about taking a nap (because I had worked so hard already, not hiking and all) and instead slapped myself.

What was I going to gain by sitting inside all day? How was my life going to improve by watching tv, napping, and mindlessly surfing the internet? It was pointless!
So I got dressed, grabbed a book, water, and some grapes to munch, found my sunglasses, and off I went! While I did not going on a “hike”, I did do my new favorite 6.5 mile walk: from the house to the park, where I sat and read for a bit, the park to the brewery, where I had a salad and beer, then back to the house (I added a stop at Baskin-Robins because ice cream is delicious and it was hot!).
And you know what? I felt great! I may not have gone some place new and I wasn’t reading a new book, but my soul woke up a little. I gave my body exercise, I fed my body delicious grapes and salad, I nourished my mind with a book that always makes me think (Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert), and I didn’t throw myself a pity party.

The Explorer’s Mom is sick.
She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a couple weeks ago.
My heart breaks for my love nearly every day. I wish Barbara weren’t sick and I wish D didn’t have to go through this. I hate being away from him, especially now when he needs me most. I burst into tears if I sit and think about it all for too long.
I felt (and still feel) so selfish, those first couple of days after we found out. His Mom is sick and I was grieving for the future. I’ve looked forward to Barbara being my Mother-in-Law for a while now. I’ve looked forward to her meeting our blue eyed babies since we met.
I’m praying for a miracle and I hope you will as well.

All this just to lead back to my first point: living life to its fullest.
We’ve both spent the past two weeks re-evaluating life and whats important. Re-resolving to eat better and take better care of ourselves, because this is the only life we have. I want to stay as healthy as I can for as long as I can. And I don’t want to have to live a day without my Explorer, so he has to take care of himself too!
I look forward to moving closer to where I work so I can walk (instead of spending an hour in traffic each day). I can’t wait until I’m buying my own groceries so I can pay more attention to what I put in my body. I’m going to start meeting people who hike and do things out doors (I know I’ve said that before, but this time I’m really serious about it).
I am going to start being conscious of the decisions I make and evaluate each one to determine if it will take me towards my goal of happiness or not. Why make decisions that won’t take you closer to who or where you want to be? LIFE IS TOO SHORT!

We spent the 4th of July with D’s family in Eugene. It was the first time I had seen all three of the boys together and the first time I met the kids (Fish – age 5, Ike – age 2 1/2, and Elsie – age 1 1/2). I fell so in love with those kids (but really, is that a surprise? I adore children!) and had such a good time with family. It was so wonderful, feeling like I belonged with the family. I’m looking forward to joining them in the future.
This upcoming weekend Barbara, D, and I are going camping. I am so looking forward to it! One of the things I definitely wanted to do this summer was camp with D’s Mom, so I’m glad she’s feeling okay enough to venture out with us. We’ll have three dogs with us (Teewinot, of course, plus Willow and Booger), so I’ll basically be in heaven.

It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection
-The Bhagavad Gita

photo365: onehundredeightysix – onehundrednintytwo

july 5, 2010

D is watching his Mom’s dog Willow right now, so there’s two puppers at the house. I like it.

july 6, 2010

I went to my first drive-in movie today! Lynne, Jc, and I saw Grown Ups at Valley 6 Drive-In in Kent tonight.

july 7, 2010

God, The Mountain literally takes my breath away every time I see her. She’s beautiful. I really hope to climb her.

july 8, 2010

I forgot just how much I LOVE being in the middle of the city until I went downtown today. I need to move now.

july 9, 2010

93* and fabulous today!

july 10, 2010

Waaaay too beautiful to be inside all day. Went to the park and read for a bit, then to the brewery for a salad and beer, then I stopped and got an ice cream on the way back to the house.

july 11, 2010

Not working tomorrow = I can take a nap at 4pm.

photo365: onehundredseventynine – onehundredeightyfive

june 28, 2010

2_liners invade Seattle! Christa, who is made of complete awesome, decided to come visit us on a whim so she, Molly, Anna, and I hung out for the afternoon. I love the internet for bringing these people into my life.

june 29, 2010

Genius playlist off Joni Mitchell’s “Both Sides Now” is genius.

june 30, 2010

I wish I had a better photo of this, but my actual camera is basically dead. I can’t get over how adorable Piper is!

july 1, 2010

Itty, bitty, tiny messy bun! The first since December ’08!

july 2, 2010

Mister Bones! He is such a silly pupper, when I’m driving he is either like this or sitting in the front seat. He never does that when Daryl drives!

july 3, 2010

I miss this river so badly when I’m away.

july 4, 2010

We drove down to Eugene to spend the 4th with Daryl’s family. I’ve never met Seville or the kids (Mike’s family) before and have never seen all three boys together. I had a great weekend with them. I could definitely get used to them being family.

photo365: onehundredseventytwo – onehundredseventyeight

june 21, 2010

I love visiting Coffee Girl because it’s like I never left!

june 22, 2010

I can has iOS4!

june 23, 2010

It was waaaaay too beautiful to be inside today, so I walked 2.5 miles to the park and read for a bit, then I walked 1.8 miles to the brewery for dinner, then I walked 2 miles back to the house. I love being outside.

june 24, 2010

The start of my birthday-weekend-made-of-awesome: the Presidential Suite at the Hotel Elliott. Normally it runs around $650/night – we snagged it for a guest room gift certificate and a $100 upgrade. Awesome deal is awesome.

june 25, 2010

I love sleepy mornings in my sleepy town. Thankfully it turned nice later in the day so my parents had a beautiful 27th wedding anniversary!

june 26, 2010

D and I are both really bummed that ski season is over. I tried to draw Teewinot but failed horribly.

june 27, 2010

23rd Birthday camping!
And, in case you were wondering, I did in fact get a sunburn. Though thankfully it’s not as bad as last years.

T-Bone and ‘nakes

A couple weeks ago my love and I went to the beach and watched the sunset. We of course had Teewinot, so we ran around the beach for a bit.

I sound like a little girl when I giggle.

The Explorer (and Bones!) will be here on Friday and I can’t wait to see them.
We’re going to go hiking and camp Saturday night.
Some of my friends from high school are getting together Saturday for an early lunch at Pomegranate – the cute restaurant that opened around the corner from us my senior year. I’m not totally sure what our plans are, but I’m hoping we at least stop by to say hi. It’ll be fun to show him where I went to school – even if it is Sammamish Baseball Academy now. Maybe they’ll let me wander around if I ask nicely and bat my eyes.

I’ve been sort of mopey the past couple of days.
I’ve been pretty convinced the past couple of years that I forgot how to make friends years ago.
Tonight I decided I need to be proactive and less anti-social, because otherwise it’s my fault if I’m lonely.
I signed up for Diva Night at REI next month and started looking into outdoor clubs. The Mountaineers have an “Under The Hill Rovers” group for 20 and 30 somethings. They have potlucks once a month and I’ve decided I need to make myself go to one. I have to make an effort if I want to have friends, and whats the worst that can happen? I’ll feel awkward and leave early? Basically the story of my life already, so I’ll know how to deal.

I’m pretty sure my boyfriend is cuter than yours.

photo365: onehundredtwentythree – onehundredtwentynine

may 3, 2010

I’ve started going to the park and reading in my car for hours on Mondays. It’s right next to the water and I can see the mountains. Always a good combination.

may 4, 2010

I read “Julia’s Chocolates” by Cathy Lamb in about 5 hours. It’s fantastic!

may 5, 2010


may 6, 2010

Jamba has become my new pre-jazz drink on Thursdays.

may 7, 2010

My sweet, wonderful, amazing baby and I drove around the beach at sunset before going to dinner tonight. I love him so much.

may 8, 2010

Kelsi, Aleesha, and I went to Nasalle’s Pirates of Penzance today. It was awesome! I love Nasalle.

may 9, 2010

This is as close as Shadow would venture to Teewinot today. She is silly.

photo365: ninetyfive – onehunredone

april 5, 2010

Yum! Had a Kelsryneesha breakfast date at Astoria Coffee House this morning.

april 6, 2010

Please get me a job, resume made of awesome.

april 7, 2010

I don’t know why, but Simon loves my bed. He’s almost always curled up somewhere on it.

april 8, 2010

Simon and Annie did not want to leave my room tonight.

april 9, 2010

You would think our gps’s would place us in the same location…

april 10, 2010

Yonder Mountain String Band at the Wilma in Missoula! My third time seeing them in a year – 4/17 in Eugene, String Summit, and tonights show. I love them. It was an amazing concert.

april 11, 2010

Silly T-Bone!

150 Things

A friend recently posted a meme called “150 Things To Do Before You Turn Thirty”. While some of the items are unnecessary (“92 Buried one/both of your parents” – I would love to not have to do that until I’m well into my 50’s or later), it was fun to see what someone designated as important and how many I had already accomplished at 22. And so, in an attempt to actually start blogging more, I shall expand on the completed items on the list.

In the future I may jump around the list a bit, but for now I’ll start with the first accomplished item: 03. Climbed a mountain.

Saddle Mountain. Elev. 3288ft

I’ve always loved the mountains.
My first memories are from Kodiak, Alaska. My Dad was Coast Guard and we were stationed there from 1989-1992. The second house we lived in sat on Lake Louise, with the highway and mountains in the back ground. I remember one summer my Dad and a friend climbed the tallest of the mountains we could see – they told my Mom when they thought they’d be at the summit, so we went outside and watched for a reflection. When we did, I was hooked.
I would love the mountains from that moment on.

One of my silly pet names for The Explorer is “my Mountain Man”.
He loves to ski and has summited the high points of most States. [I hate awkwardly phrased sentences – every State has a high point. Some are bumps on the side of the road, others are at the top of mountains. He’s been to most.] He probably loves the mountains more than I do (he is older than me though, so I don’t mind too much, ha).
When he found out I hadn’t ever climbed up Saddle Mountain, he was shocked. I’m shocked it took me as long as it did! I love the outdoors but haven’t really ever known anyone who actually does things in the outdoors. One of the reasons I’m so thankful for my mister is because he’s opened that door for me. He’s all about the outdoors, so if he and I are going to work, I have to be too (his words, not mine).

One beautiful Saturday last September, after he got back from being underground for a month, we decided to hike up.
The trail is about 3 miles each direction. Some parts are steep-ish, but the steepest parts all have hand-rains or wooden steps. They have rest spots throughout the hike, usually at the beginning and end of each climb.

We of course brought Teewinot, D’s ever faithful climbing companion (though probably not for much longer – they climbed Mt. St. Helen’s this weekend and they’re both feeling pretty sore. D thought he was going to have to carry Tee the last 2 miles or so. Poor boy might be retired to a house dog.).

We left kind of late in the day, so we made it up to the top for sunset.

It was breathtaking.
We’re so blessed to live here. Here we were, standing on the highest point in the county, watching the sunset over the ocean.

While I don’t think this photo looks much like me, The Explorer says it’s his favorite photo of me. I’m always cheesy and tell him it’s cause I’m looking at him – which I think is actually true, as he always points at the photo when I’m filled to the brim with love for him.
/gushy ramblings

My adorable mister and I, at the top of my first mountain.

Painfully beautiful

It’s been a frustrating week at work.
Monday was one month from my last shift and I found myself counting down the days.
Yesterday was one of the most beautiful days we’ve had all year. It was like God telling me to deal, because how can I be grumpy and frustrated when I get this view – every single day.

As I was driving home from work I thought it was way too beautiful to be inside at dance. Almost that same moment, my Explorer called and said we were going flying.
I haven’t been up since November and so was really hoping he’d suggest a trip.

We didn’t really go anywhere. Flew down to Seaside and did a landing, simply because the weather was so calm and there was no reason not to. Flew up and down the coast a couple times, then over Astoria, and out over the ocean for a bit.

I never mind if we don’t go anywhere – I just want to be up there, in the air, with the love of my life.

We are so lucky to live here.

The world is so different from the sky.
I can’t really describe it, other than it’s perfectly peaceful.
Stress from work, silly annoyances about the town, traffic, laundry – none of that matters when you’re 1500ft in the air.
It’s just you, the plane, and the air (well, and the mister flying the plane). It’s amazing.

We’re going on our Valentine’s Date tomorrow, which is our normal workout day. It was so amazing out again today, so we decided to take the pupper on a walk up to the Column. We made it up just after sunset.
I’m amazed by the beauty here every single day.

photo365: thirtynine – fortyfour

february 8, 2010

While I was getting my butt handed to me on a bike in Spin class tonight, D hiked up to the Column with Tee. He had a much better view than I did, thats for sure!

february 9, 2010

Daryl and Chadler went to Brian’s to jam tonight, so Megan (and her sister-in-law) and I tagged along. How adorable is Sasha, the house puppy?

february 10, 2010

Um, Floyd? I’m pretty sure you own the building. You don’t need to sign in as a visitor.

february 11, 2010

I visited Kelsi-face at work today. And left with two more scarves (I also have it in red and dark blue), a fabulous dress for Valentine’s date, a over-top to wear to work on Valentine’s Day, plus a freakin’ adorable little black dress (with polka dots, of course).

february 12, 2010

I love the conversations my Mama and I have.

february 13, 2010

Bought a fancy-shmancy new water bottle at New Adventure today.

february 14, 2010

We are dorks. The end.