photo365: twohundrednintyone – twohundrednintyseven

october 18, 2010

Beautiful sunset tonight in Seattle!

october 19, 2010

Yesterdays sunset in Seattle may have been awesome, but nothing beats this view for me. Drove up to the column to watch it set over the Pacific Ocean. I miss home.

october 20, 2010

My favorite boys! ❤

october 21, 2010

You can’t really tell by the photo, but Shadow is swinging her tail back and forth, so Mystery is batting at it (of course, since it is right in front of her). Shadow was less than amused. I love them both.

october 22, 2010

Occasionally when D changes his home screen to a new photo of me, he’ll send me a screen shot accompanied by hearts and other such adorable gushy things. He’s cute and I love how much he loves me. I’m pretty lucky.

october 23, 2010

Definitely glad I went for the rain boots today. The rainstorm started tonight!

october 24, 2010

I’ve decided it’s a first finger ring. I like it!

3 thoughts on “photo365: twohundrednintyone – twohundrednintyseven

  1. I feel like such a blog stalker, I always read your blog and never post.
    But I have to say this.
    Please keep taking pictures of the sunset over the pacific.
    I miss it.
    I keep moving to cities where the coast is in the wrong direction. (Okay technically here I can get to a west coast I’m just not sure the sunset will be as epic).

    1. No worries at all, I’m ALWAYS a blog stalker.

      Continue to take photos around Europe and seeing amazing dance companies and I’ll continue to photograph sunsets. Then next time you’re home we should camp at the beach, talk life and dance and love and every topic in between, and watch the sunset in person. Deal?

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