New Vision

A couple weeks ago, all us New Vision dancers trekked out to the Olympic Sculpture Park to meet with Robin from Purcell Photography for our company photos. It was so much fun! It was beautiful and the perfect temperature to be wandering around in various states of dress.

After doing group photos in a couple different locations, she started shooting our individuals.
I love the way mine turned out (though I wish there was a little less fabric and a little more boobage, as the leotard I was wearing makes the girls look fantastic, hahahaha). And how killer is Arianna’s?!

I’m so happy I was able to dance with New Vision for this show. Melissa was definitely my favorite teacher in high school and her style of jazz always feels great on my body, so to work with her again was a dream. The rest of the company members are awesome and I loved dancing with a couple WAPA kids again, 5 years after it closed. Plus, how funny is it that half my graduating class [read: Emily and I] is in the company?

The show was this past weekend and it went SO WELL!
On Friday we had tech/dress then the show. There were definitely some bumps, but over all it went really well. My housemates came to the show, as did my boss and her daughter. After the show I met up with my cute boyfriend and got dinner and drinks before we both fell asleep, exhausted.

Saturday’s show was great. All the little mess ups from the night before were cleaned (though I did fall out of my triple pirouette in the first number, which is a bummer because it was a beautiful turn on Friday – I blame finding The Explorer in the audience moments before) and our energy level was through the roof.
I was kind of nervous, which is rare for me, because it was the first time The Explorer really saw me dance. I mean, he came to the Maddox recital last year, but I wasn’t pouring my soul into that like I did this. Plus I was injured and so definitely wasn’t in top form. But this show? This show was full of exactly what I am meant to spend my life doing. I’m so glad he was finally able to see me really dance.
I feel so blessed by how many people came to see me dance. My parents, my Grandma, her best friend, my Explorer, Amy and her daughter (whom we surprised at Shi Shi back in March), family friends, a cousin I’ve never met before, my soon-to-be roommates.

Melissa had a couple great photographers at the show taking photos. These ones are all from John Cornicello – aren’t they fantastic? He has some other great ones up on his website, but these four are my favorite that I’m in. These ones are pretty fantastic as well. I think Robin got some great ones as well – I can’t wait until the rest are posted!

New Vision is on a little holiday break at the moment (silly Nutcracker!), but I’m itching to start rehearsals again. I can’t wait to see what Melissa thinks up for us this time. Whatever it is, it’ll be awesome.

[p.s., once we get our dvds of the show, I’ll try to post the numbers I was in on youtube so everyone who wasn’t cool enough to come to the show can see them!]