photo365: twohundred – twohundredsix

july 19, 2010

How gorgeous is this borgia that Kati made me? I miss Coffee Girl, always.

july 20, 2010

T-Bone and I went on a hike up to the Column today. As we entered the woods, a cute little boy gave me a flower!

july 21, 2010

A perfect way to spend an afternoon: iced americano, a cherry-almond scone, and a book curled up in my favorite chair at my beloved Coffee Girl.

july 22, 2010

Never ending blanket is never ending. Seriously, this is going to be huge and amazing when I’m done. It’s the first blanket I’ve made for myself and I love it!

july 23, 2010

Teewinot and I took our lunch at the railroad trestles today. He is seriously the best dog in the world.

july 24, 2010

The beer selection at the Burien Safeway is pretty abysmal, however I did discover a new beer from a brewery I hadn’t heard of before. Since D loves IPAs, I of course informed him of this.

july 25, 2010

As a reward for getting a new job(!!!) I bought myself hazelnut tortellini and Gorgonzola cream sauce for dinner tonight. Yum!

2 thoughts on “photo365: twohundred – twohundredsix

  1. Popped over from Alice’s site. Really enjoying your pictures and comments! Since I’m from N. Edmonds, it is interesting to see familiar scenes and to try and figure out where you are at. Love the afghan you are making! the colors are great together. What pattern is it from?

    1. Most of the photos from this week were actually taken down in Oregon, but I know what you mean. I love seeing glimpses of places that are familiar in other peoples photos!

      It’s the OpArt pattern from Knitty. It’s so super easy! I used the same pattern for a baby blanket a couple years ago and knew I wanted to make one for myself as well. Thankfully, most of the yarn I already had (left over from the first one and a sweater I knit from the same yarn), so it wasn’t too expensive to make either!

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